TCPA Priorities for the 88th Legislative Session

Top priorities:

  • Support regulatory certainty by promoting a competitive and reliable ERCOT electric market that properly values the reliability needed from dispatchable resources.
  • Support affordable consumer costs and future electric reliability by reforming the intrastate natural gas market to require transparency and accountability.
  • Support PUC budget requests to ensure sufficient regulatory infrastructure to implement market changes.
  • Support PUC sunset bill and maintain the scope of agency functions rather than policy changes.
  • Oppose market disruption or degradation of the separation between regulated companies and competitive generation by the state or ERCOT.
  • Oppose excessive transmission investments paid in regulated rates by consumers.

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TCPA Commits to Building New Generation if PCM is Adopted

(Austin TX) December 5, 2022 – For Immediate Release TCPA members* today, through the testimony of their executive director Michele Richmond, committed to bringing more than 4,500 megawatts of new gas generation to the ERCOT market if PCM is adopted under the right...