Advocacy Papers

Report on Market Design by the State Energy Plan Advisory Committee (SEPAC)

September 1, 2022

TCPA Principles for Reliability in ERCOT through Competitive Markets

September 1, 2022 

TCPA-ARM Letter to Governor Abbott re SB 1580 and HB 4492

June 8, 2021 

Roadmap for Gas Reliability in Texas

May, 2021 

Pie Chart Comparison of Prelim Outage Report

April 27, 2021 Updated Report

A Roadmap for Reliability in ERCOT

TCPA member companies have a plan for improving reliability in the ERCOT market that maintains the competitive market structure.

Potential Solutions for Legislative Consideration

TCPA proposed potential solutions to the Committee on House State Affairs on April 20th.  These solutions address the need for certain types of generation to increase reliability without regulating portions of generation at a high cost to consumers with no increase in guaranteed reliability.

Recommendations to Prevent Future Outage Events Like February 2021

TCPA is committed to working with state leadership, industry regulators and stakeholders who have a vested interest in mitigating the risks associated with extreme weather events. The events of the week of February 14 resulted from many factors, including loss of generating resources across all fuel types.

Joint Texas Electric Sector Letter on Vaccine Prioritization

On December 4, 2020, TCPA along with other Texas industry associations sent a letter to the Texas Department State Health Services Commissioner John W. Hellerstedt, M.D. advocating for prioritization among critical employees and essential workers to be some of the first to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.